How Much Protein Do We Really Need ? – Local food & Supplement myths

Jun 14, 2020

Indian diet or Kerala diet is having all the good combination of nutrients in the right proportion and any place in the world they all have a food culture which is natural and man-made food may not provide the same goodness as nature and now FAO and other organizations creating more awareness on local low-cost food to support farmers as well as human beings on earth. The food culture of 10,000 years we have in India and we never make food to kill people but nourish and we consider guests as God.

But in recent years of business and material development and importing of so many goods, even many of them banned in other countries including supplements are being sold here Kerala or India and increasing the level of protein may not be tolerated by our system and normal food itself provide enough protein for a day. Research shows that 80% Diet and 20%fitness have an impact on our body weight and nowadays more research going on towards mental health, emotional eating, and motivation with meditation

During my practice as a nutritionist and dietitian, every time a new client joins they ask a variety of questions and hours of exercise with so many supplements and still no changes in the body. Recently people observed how to get results with simple exercise and diet alone during lockdown (hope you watched 1min video by Ronan).

🤔Recently few film stars join for consultation and asked about normal Kerala diets. Actually they were into too much protein supplements than the body can utilize and related health issues with higher uric acid. I had also seen people from rural India and Kerala who are struggling with financial issues also spend so much amount for imported products and weight loss supplements and a good education on this subject may help the community and others too. Being a #dietician I am obliged to share the right information about food and it’s a public health issue which we discussed during #fssai meeting this year and the effort taken by #indiangovernment to spread awareness on #locallowcost food.

🌍 The way @ronandiegobr teach is different and he is having better knowledge about #Nutrition , local food and knows about #Indianfood culture. He is the head of health and #fitness at MindValley Community (which is helping lot of people to evolve in all areas of life and a part in ascension in motivating youth around the globe )

Ronan Diego is from #brazil and being a Muslim, he is doing more research on intermittent fasting from his own experiments with Ramadan fasting, and when a master teaching from years of experience it adds more light and simple techniques.
you can ask your doubt during the session.

See you at 3pm IST
#india #instagram #instalive

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