Why do we prescribe a balanced diet for weight loss?

Aug 13, 2023

This is a frequently asked question about balanced diet and almost all individual need a balanced diet according to their condition .

Most of them who visit the clinic tried and failed many crash diet but balanced diet give a sustainable easy to follow result .

Each and every person have their own way and likes and genetic type and food habits vary , so choosing the ideal diet which is balanced is our priority .

If we take South Indian Diet , we are more of rice eaters and we can make a gluten free balanced diet quickly and our taste buds and body weight recognise the feel and healthy weightloss is the result . Most of them who settled abroad change their balanced diet with smoothies and suffering from various disorders . They choose an online dietitian to help them understand this root cause and 10,000 years old food culture cannot be compromised with easy to make junk diet . Each person is different and their diet . Share your thoughts and emotions while consulting dietitian and always remember that we deal with body , mind and soul , a complete wellness journey with meditating and mindfulness.

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