My dear community (soul group),
Since you requested for an energy clearing meditation today on this full moon day, I hope only those few who resonate with my soul stay here . Be who you are in essence wherever you are but awaken that one supreme ultimate truth of love and bliss inside the heart to remove the maya so that krishna the peace and love stay . Emotional Eating Disorders are increasing day by day and it’s due to the stress and past karmic energy. We can decide either to move forward in lite or stay there to repeat the same cycles again and again. Maybe by this one full moon cycle we learned and clear 30 years of karma or 3000 years old program…. Krishna send a flute through my chitta, from Vrindavan but I lost it while shifting my house. Again and again he asked me to learn it , finally I met a Guru and it was not an easy task to learn flute . May this full moon we listen to Krishna’s flute playing by the Radha inside me who is guiding, to know that we are just pure essence of love and it took 43 years in this life to learn what human consciousness is affected or women are affected to born here in this land of Sita and the compassion is the only way to help heal. Ajnana TimirAndhasya JnanaAnjanaShalaakaaya
Chakshurunmilitam Yena Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha ( He who removes darkness of ignorance of the blinded (un-enlightened) by applying the ointment(medicine) of (Spiritual) knowledge
He Who opens the eyes, salutations unto that holy Guru) Remembering Chaitanya and all my spiritual guides especially Hanuman, Parasurama 😊
So much love light peace and joy 💜
To read this meditation post in Instagram♾